Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What's he building in there?

Some of the stuff I’ve been up to (at least what I can remember right this minute . . .) --

Work continues on the King in Yellow and Ligotti tribute anthologies (A Season in Carcosa and The Grimscribe’s Puppets) I’m editing for Miskatonic River Press (both will be released this year – KIY summer, Ligotti, this fall). The KIY tome is about done (looks like 2 weeks and it goes to the publisher). I’m still tinkering away on my intro for this and awaiting what I believe will be a stunning sub and addition . . .

Bob Price has accepted two tales of mine for upcoming anthologies. Here are the ToC’s

Over the Mountains of Madness  (Dark Quest 2012)
Robert M. Price, Introduction

Glynn Owen Barrass, “The City at the Two Magnetic Poles”
Joseph S. Pulver, “The Second Wave of Fear” (this is my prequel to HPL’s “AtMoM”)
Pierre Comtois, “Second Death”
Pete Rawlick, “Beneath the Mountains of Madness”
Ken Asamatsu, “The Continent of Madness”
Laurence J. Cornford, “Gedney”
C.J. Henderson, “The Pleasure in Madness”
Brian Sammons, “A Biting Cold”
Cody Goodfellow, “Garden of the Gods”
Stephen M. Rainey, “The Danforth Project”
Edward Morris, “Tekeli-li!”
Will Murray, “Static”

Secrets of Cthulhu (Fedogen & Bremer)
Don Webb, “The Healing Power of Snow”
Ann K. Schwader, “The Death Verses of Yian-Ho”
Ernest J. Fischer, “The Event at Gangew Taundon”
Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., “The Corpse-Eating Cult of Leng”
Stephen Mark Rainey, “Warlords of Leng”
Will Murray, “God General Nakji”
Michael Fantina, “Leviathan”
Pierre Comtois, “Masks of the Puppet Lord”
Ben P. Indick, “The Monster in the Lake”
Leigh Blackmore, “The Return of Zoth-Ommog”
Lin Carter & Laurence J. Cornford, “The Doom of Enos Harker”
Richard A. Lupoff, “Steps Leading Downward”

My “King in Yellow A Play in Two Acts” for the upcoming Bibliotheca Ecclesia Siderum Sapientia:  (editor, Nate Pedersen; PS Publishing) is almost done (bit of my usual panic tweeking), and I’m pleased the editor loves it.

S.T. (Joshi) has accepted my tales, “In . . . and Out” (“Weird Fiction Review”), “. . . Hungry . . . Rats” (A Mountain Walked Centipede Press), “…down black staircases”, “WHITE FIRE” (for his upcoming “AtMoM” tribute anthology, Titan Books).
Henrik Harksen’s URBAN CTHULHU: NIGHTMARE CITIES, Vol. 3 anthology is due any minute now. I have a new tale in it. Here is the ToC

“Dancer of the Dying” by Jayaprakash Satyamurthy
“The Neighbors Upstairs” by John Goodrich
“Carcosapunk” by Glynn Owen Barrass
“Architect Eyes” by Thomas Strømsholt
“Slou” by Robert Tangiers
“Ozeelah’s Lake” by Morten Carlsen
“The Statement of Frank Elwood” by Pete Rawlik
“In the Shadow of Bh’Yhlun” by Ian Davey
“The Screamer” by T. E. Grau
“Night Life” by Henrik Sandbeck Harksen
“the guilt of each … at the end…” by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.

I have a new Lovecraftian tale coming in the May issue of the “Lovecraft eZine”.

My new collection Portraits of Ruin (w/ an introduction by Matt Cardin) arrives from Hippocampus Press in April.

us posit that Bukowski is the sun. Or Brautigan, Burroughs and the Beats—a solar Coney Island of the Mind where Timothy Leary’s dead and dead Cthulhu waits and sings the live long daydream believer. Then Joe Pulver’s Portraits of Ruin would be the burst of planets, Big Bang-Bang, Marquee Moons hanging on for what they got, scream of consciousness—in Outer Space no one can hear it . . . except Coffin Joe, Monster Mash Potato that big ol’ Portraits of Ruin—Mars needs it, you need it, so just open the lid and shake your fist—then say: “They kill horses, horses, horses, horses.” Thank you. Come again?Thomas Ligotti
Here's a rave for PoR

And Matt Cardin chimes in here

I have a new tale coming in Trent Zelazny’s upcoming anthology, A Splintered Mind.

A few new things (3 as I recall) will be appearing in the next issue of “Patricide”.

Spectral Press’ new line of Lovecraftian CD’s will premiere this May. My work will appear on this “Music & Mythos” project w/ HPL’s! !!

The wonderful folks at “STRANGE AEONS” magazine will be offering a very-limited chapbook of “my love letter tale to the HPL Film Festival” at the fest this May in Portland. This is a new tale written just for the fest. The cover and illos will be by my pal, Nick Gucker! I love Nicky work so saying I’m delighted is a vast understatement! !! A shorter, variant version will appear in Portraits of Ruin. This will be the only appearance of this version ever! !!

Finished and submitted my "intro"/love letter to Michael Cisco’s brilliant, Secret Hours, which will be part of his upcoming [and wonderous!] boxed-omnibus from Centipede Press.

I am working on a number of submissions for various invites, and a “few” other INTERESTING things as well . . .

I'll be updating the blog w/ more "reviews" of my stuff soon................. .

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