Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Grimscribe's Puppets has won a Shirley Jackson Award

OVERmoon to hear that the Thomas Ligotti tribute anthology I had the great privilege to edit, has won. I want to thank Scott & Tom of Miskatonic River Press for believing in the book, and I want to thank the contributors for making the book what it is. I’d also like to thank all the readers who helped spread the word w/ their reviews and comments via social media. And it goes w/out saying, that I want to thank the SJA jurors for their votes. Lastly, it was honor and a privilege and a PLEASURE to work w/ all the talented contributors to GRIMSCRIBE’S!! !
CONGRATS to ALL this year's SJA winners and nominees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

HAPPYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyAy DANCING XPulver


  1. Congratulations Joe. I attended the Readercon 25 in Burlington, Ma and was very pleased to hear your name when the winner was announced.

  2. Thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kevin!!!!!!!!!!!!
