Saturday, March 27, 2010

of BLOOD Ran Cartwright says . . .

Lovecraftian author, Ran Cartwright, has posted the following about BLOOD on Amazon:

Well, I wrote a brief review of this collection and be damned if it didn't disappear into the ether somewhere. I feel like I should be looking over my shoulder for lurking shadows. So, now to write a new brief statement on this work... Joe Pulver's BLOOD WILL HAVE IT'S SEASON. Is it Joe's work or is it the characters within the work that are speaking out, using Joe's pen as their voice? I'm inclined to believe the latter. To the point, I wasn't reading someone else's material as a detached casual outside observer seated in a chair with coffee or wine and pipe (alright, coffee or wine: I no longer smoke). I found myself a part of the narrative, ducking the knife wielding maniacs, chasing the old woman down the alleys, on the beat with the Chandler/Queen/Spillane investigators, albeit, with a coloring of the supernatural. Yes, the characters contained in these pages have a life of their own. They have chosen Joe Pulver to tell THEIR story. He's done them justice, and that's a good thing for his sake. Else I wonder his fate should he NOT have told their story in a manner satisfactory to them. Perhaps a messenger of the King, if not the King himself, would have come calling. So, an excellent voice given to a diverse collection of characters. Pull their masks off and read the stories etched on their faces. And should you feel the pain of a twisting knife blade, or a veil of madness begin to settle over you, then you too are a part of the narrative and perhaps in time you will be called home to far dim Carcosa. I know the inhabitants are awaiting Joe. And so is the King.

Thanks, Ran! !!

Stan Sargent on BLOOD

Over at Amazon, critically-acclaimed Lovecraftian author, Stan Sargent, has posted the following comment for my collection, Blood Will Have Its Season:

Pulver challenges his readers with amazingly bizarre and intriguing versatility as he masterfully and engagingly explores worlds of beautifully mournful fantastic prose, invokes hellish realms of relentless violence, conjures wild homages to his many heroes, and tinkers with conceptual formatting. Can you take it?

Stan is not one to pass out praise lightly, so I'm delighted to have a comment like that from him.


From time to time I walk in the fields of literary surrealism. I love the freedom of pure thought and wild wordplay. Over at Evi has kindly posted a new surrealist "tExt" of mine. It's called, "Something for Zazie". I also have another "tExt" in her collection of "Special Editions".

While you're there be sure to look at her stunning art! !!

"He who hides his madman, dies voiceless" - Henri Michaux

Friday, March 26, 2010

BLACK WINGS arrives! !!

S.T. Joshi's BLACK WINGS is published! Campbell, Cisco, Shea, Barron, Pugmire, Kiernan, [and Me], this is a wonderful Lovecraftain tome.

I do think Lovecraftain will fine much to adore in this collection of new tales.. Did I mention, Campbell, Cisco, Shea, Barron, Pugmire, and KIERNAN are in this book? They are, along w/ many other fine writers.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Strange Aeons Mag !!!

found at: Lady Lovecraft's blog:

"Founded by screenwriter and editor of Planet Lovecraft Magazine, K.L. Young; and filmmaker/musician Rick Tillman, with the intent of bringing back the glory days of the horror and sci-fi comics of Eerie, Creepy, Heavy Metal and Epic Magazines!"
STRANGE AEONS #1 has been launched at the end of February, just in time for the Emerald City Comic Con! Featuring a gorgeous cover by Ben Hansen and Levi Skeen and including:
* part one of Tim Sparvero's "The Isle of Cthulhu",
* Vin Ferrante's "In the Court of The Yellow King",
* "The New Sister" by Lee Davis,
* "Memory" by Eric York, and
* "Awakener" by Rob Corless - in COLOR!
Fiction by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., book and audio-drama reviews, and the first highly collectible STRANGE AEONS: THE MOVIE lobby card - a scene from "The Revenge of Herbert West", EXCLUSIVE in this issue!
Strange Aeons can be ordered online via their homepage and can be contacted via facebook as well.
All in all, it's a brilliant mag that gives writers and publishers a chance to promote their work [nudge, nudge] and readers a chance to have their say!
Still not sure whether to thread the realms of Lovecraftian Madness as a mag? How's this amazing shirt for a tease? And, yes it IS for sale on their homepage ...

So, I give you: STRANGE AEONS

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Strange Aeons" COMING! !!

The fantastic NEW magazine, "STRANGE AEONS" here! !! It has a tale of mine in it -- YIPPIE! !! [and you can get "STRANGE Aeons" t-shirts at the website for only $10 -- YAY!! !!]

Rick Tillman and Kelly Young are doing an amazing job w/ this new mag!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Dark Discoveries"

"Dark Discoveries" mag (yeah, that terrific gem of darkness!) has just bought my tale, "When The Deal Goes Down" for its WINTER 2010 issue.

You can find out all about "DD" and its nightmarish wonders here:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another review of BLOOD

Lovecraftian fan and in-the-know E.O.D. member, Martian Anderson, has posted this review.

"A collection of stories ranging from the darkly poetical to the grittily gruesome. This is -- along with the anthology LOVECRAFT UNBOUND and two Sesqua Valley books by W. H. Pugmire -- the best horror book that I've read in 2009. In BLOOD, Joe Pulver fulfills the promise he gave a decade ago in his novel, NIGHTMARE'S DISCIPLE, displaying to the fullest his many facets as a writer. Highly recommended -- and do watch out for future tales from this man."

Thaks, Martin, coming from you that's high praise indeed! !!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Get Interviewed.

Sarah L. Covert, who is the talented and vivacious mastermind behind the wonderful news & review site, She Never Slept, is guest interviewing at Savvy Reader’s Bookshelf. Along with writers Simon Strantzas and a certain Mr. Hopfrog Pugmire, Esq. she interviewed me.

There will be other interviews for Savvy by Sarah in the coming days. I hope you'll check them out.

The link to my interview is here.

And Sarah can be found at

SNS was one of the 1st reviews of my collection BLOOD WILL HAVE ITS SEASON [Hippocampus Press 2009]. It's a rave review I’m very happy to have. And yes, I'm a fan of SNS & Sarah, and a follower of the site.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Orphan Palace

On NOV 21st I began my new novel, The Orphan Palace. I’ve just finished the edited-as-you-fly/punched-up/tinkered with/cussed at and over 1st draft.
It’s a “weird tale meets noirish” road trip across America by a madman who was in an orphanage/asylum as a kid and escaped when he was 12. He’s been on the road for over two decades and is now going back . . .
After I blink and breathe, I’ll see what I have . . .

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tom Brown, the artist of many fantastic works, will be doing the cover for my new collection, SIN & ashes. I couldn’t be more delighted, to have his talent grace another work of mine is as good as it gets! !!

This is the cover of my last Hippocampus Press collection, Blood Will Have It Season.

As you can see, Tom is an amazing talent.

Maybe when he has a rough sketch for SIN, we’ll let you eyeball it here.

To see more of Tom’s stunning and highly-praised work you can go here –

SIN & ashes is currently in the hands of my editor, S.T. Joshi, for proofing. More on SIN as things progress and it gets a firm release date. You can also get a copy of BLOOD and other Hippocampus titles at Amazon, or directly from Hippocampus.